Apostolic Bible Quizzing is a ministry of Worldwide Pentecostal Fellowship.
Click to visit the WPF website.
Bible Quizzing is a fantastic ministry designed to put the Word of God into young people’s hearts. Not only is it one of the best things that a young person can do spiritually, but Bible Quizzing can also be exciting, fun, competitive and enjoyable. There are very few other areas in which young people are able to socialize with so many other godly youth on a regular basis
Bible Quizzing requires great discipline and responsibility of an individual as well as an ability to cooperate with a team. A senior quizzer must learn over 500 verses from a selected book or books of the Bible and to capably compete must be able to answer any question asked out of those verses. These questions can range from 1 to 10 parts, can be cross-reference (from multiple verses or chapters or books) or quotation in which a quizzer must quote a verse or verses word for word. As you can imagine, a quizzer must devote much time to be competitive, in fact when qualifying teams are approaching the National Bible Quiz Tournament at the end of the year it is not unknown for quizzers to study up to and beyond 6 to 10 hours per day.
To the casual observer, Bible quizzing is a sport in which two teams match knowledge, speed, memory, and quickness of response against one another on a designated portion of Scripture. However, quizzing offers much more than just competition and sport. The program involves memorizing a specific book or books of the Bible for each quiz year. By becoming involved in memorization, young people develop a love and respect for the Bible. The Word is planted in their hearts and dynamically influences them.
Establishes relationships between Christian young people who have similar values and interests.
Develops deep friendships with teammates and competitors.
Produces a lasting spiritual impact through Bible memorization.
Increases in-depth knowledge of the Bible.
Teaches the necessity of studying.
Molds personality and builds character.
Encourages down-to-earth honesty and a cooperative team spirit with others.
Teaches application of Christian unity and sportsmanship.
Teaches goal-setting and how to work toward achieving goals.
Builds self-confidence and aids in overcoming fear and nervousness.
Gets the Word of God in young people’s hearts.
Develops the ability to think quickly under pressure.
Develops mental acuity.
Develops perseverance and responsibility.
Develops an individual sense of accomplishment.
Develops the ability to work as a team.
Develops social skills.
A willingness to set aside time for study and to learn.
An encouraging attitude and spirit.
A willingness to be motivated and challenged and a desire to do your best!
Able to travel to several quiz competitions during quiz season.
Willingness to set aside necessary money to cover quiz expenses.