As is traditional with our national Bible quiz tournament (ABQNT) this year it will also be held in Tulsa, Oklahoma in conjunction with the PEAK youth conference. It will be held at the Marriott of Southern Hills as before.
We will be quizzing from Sunday (July 18) through Thursday (July 22) for all divisions. The schedule can be seen below but may be subject to minor change.
Senior/intermediate (quizzing concurrently):
Sunday orientation – 7 PM (quizzing possible depending on the number of teams) [NOTE THIS WAS CHANGED FROM 5pm to 7pm]
Monday quizzing – 9 AM to 6 PM
Tuesday quizzing – 9 AM to conclusion
Senior awards banquet – Tuesday night (8pm)
Beginner/Junior (quizzing concurrently):
Wednesday registration 11am
Orientation – NOON
Wednesday quizzing – after orientation until 6PM
Thursday quizzing – 9 AM until conclusion
Award ceremony – following championship quiz(zes)
What are the qualifications to attend?
To qualify for the national tournament, you must have participated in a last one regional tournament throughout the year as well as in a regional finals of the same region. Also, all participating churches must affirm the doctrinal and holiness tenants of the WPF’s Articles of Faith and uphold the following platform standards at all WPF sponsored Bible quizzing events which can be found at under “who can participate”. We hope to see you!